About Seaside

Program Information

Seaside Higher Education Consulting is dedicated to guiding students through university life, instilling confidence, competence, and a sense of purpose. We offer a structured approach to academic success, empowering students to achieve their full potential in higher education. Who are the students we help? All students…including new, international, athletes, students with disabilities (executive function, learning disabilities, etc.), transfer students and more.

Our Three Stages



Set in Motion

Discovery Phone Call

We begin with an onboarding process, ensuring that students and families understand the process. Our intake process is designed to get to know you, helping us understand academic histories, learning styles, strengths, and dreams for the future. Clear goals are set as we establish a collaborative, team-oriented approach.



Customized Plan

Each student is unique, and our consultants tailor their guidance accordingly. We create individualized intervention plans, incorporating content-driven processes to address specific needs. Our consultants collaborate with students to define and implement these plans and ensure clarity and accountability.



Action Plan

The intervention plan comes to life as students apply what they’ve learned. We continuously assess the plan’s effectiveness, providing students valuable feedback and support. We end the final session by discussing growth and progress, acknowledging achievements, and outlining the next steps.

Content Overview

What We’ll Cover

Personal Growth Development

We help students identify personal strengths and develop goal-directed mindsets. For undecided or undeclared students and those unsure of their major, we explore majors and minors that align with their strengths and goals.

Study Strategies

We cover skills and strategies such as time management, planning and organization, critical thinking, test preparation, learning preferences, note-taking, reading, and effective listening. Understanding learning styles and personality types equips students to thrive academically.

Campus Resources

Together with students, we explore their campus resources and discuss how these resources can further support their academic and personal goals.

Our Philosophy

Committed to Development

The philosophy behind Seaside Higher Education Consulting is rooted in a deep commitment to the holistic development and success of each student in their higher education journey. Our philosophy covers several core principles:

We believe that every student is unique, with distinct strengths, challenges, and aspirations. Our philosophy focuses on providing highly personalized guidance, recognizing that a one-size-fits-all approach does not acknowledge the diverse needs of students.

We empower students with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive academically. Education is not just about grades but about developing lifelong learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities.

We promote a collaborative approach where students and the consultant work together as a team. We believe that success in higher education is a shared endeavor, and open communication and teamwork are essential.

We promote what Carol Dweck (2006) refers to as a growth mindset, encouraging students to see challenges as opportunities for growth. We believe that setbacks can lead to breakthroughs and that resilience is key to academic success.

We uphold the highest standards of ethics and professionalism. Our consultants demonstrate integrity, honesty, and respect in all interactions.

Our approach is based on evidence-based practices and the latest research in higher education and student success. We continuously seek to incorporate best practices into our guidance and services.

We recognize that the higher education landscape is continually evolving. Our philosophy includes a commitment to adaptability and staying current with educational trends and innovations.

We believe in celebrating each student’s achievements, no matter how small or large. Recognizing and acknowledging progress and milestones is an essential part of our philosophy.

Our team of highly qualified consultants, with master’s level qualifications and extensive experience in higher education, is dedicated to providing exceptional guidance. We believe every student’s journey is unique, and our commitment is to help them develop their full potential in higher education.

“The Cove is absolutely one of the best academic support programs in the world of NCAA Division II, It’s truly one of a kind.”

Jill Willson, governance contractor for NCAA Division II.

In 2004, Kim and her team started The Cove to help students succeed academically.

Kim Ahlgrim, M.S.

Cedarville University

Kim grew up in Southwest Florida near the ocean. She spent many weekends at the beach with her family or with friends. They would ride bikes across Sanibel Island and eat lunch at the shore. They would have bonfires on the beach and watch the sunset. Her favorite moments? Taking long walks on the beach, especially with her dad. Engaging in meaningful discussions about life, relationships, and spiritual matters was common for them. Kim established Seaside Higher Education Consulting to develop similar meaningful conversations but with an emphasis on higher education and university students.

Kim is an Academic Director with extensive experience in the higher education field. She has successfully developed and implemented various academic programs throughout her career, including The Cove at Cedarville University, an Academic Enrichment Center. Her expertise is creating and implementing academic success, spearheading program development initiatives and the development of a disability services department. She has actively contributed as a committee member on the HLC Self Study Teaching and Learning chapter. In addition to her academic background, she has a vital skill set in nonprofit organizations, teamwork, and public speaking as a senior trainer and consultant.

Interesting in a meeting with Kim, email her at Thrive@seasidehighered.com


Kim is available for

  • Consultations with higher education professionals. Do you want to discuss academic student success related to programming, courses, or facilities at your university? Schedule time using the calendar.
  • Academic Enrichment Center evaluations. Do you want to have your center evaluated? Evaluations can vary from Team calls to campus visits. Email Kim to discuss the best plan for you and the cost.
  • Speaking engagements. Kim speaks on a variety of topics. Some of her most popular sessions include: developing an academic center on university campuses, programs and services brainstorming sessions, academic student thriving in higher education. Please feel free to email Thrive@seasidehighered.com, to schedule a time to discuss speaking engagement details.

Articles Authored or Coauthored

“The Cove is absolutely one of the best academic support programs in the world of NCAA Division II, It’s truly one of a kind.”

Jill Willson, governance contractor for NCAA Division II.

In 2004, Kim and her team started The Cove to help students succeed academically.

Contact Us

To Start Your Journey